Test methods pursuant to EC A.14. (Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 Annex “Part A: Methods for the determination of physico-chemical properties, A.14. Explosive properties”


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Test methods pursuant to EC A.14. (Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 Annex “Part A: Methods for the determination of physico-chemical properties, A.14. Explosive properties”

The method consists of three parts:

(a) Test of thermal sensitivity ↓,

(b) Test of mechanical sensitivity with respect to shock ↓,

(c) Test of mechanical sensitivity with respect to friction ↓.

The method yields data to assess the likelihood of initiating an explosion by means of certain common stimuli. The method is not intended to ascertain whether a substance is capable of exploding under any conditions.


Thermal sensitivity EG A.14. UN Series 1/Series 2, Test 1 (b)/Test 2 (b): Koenen Test and Series E, Test E.1: Koenen Test

For the test, the test substance is heated in a steel tube which is closed by orifice plates with holes of different diameters. This test is used to determine whether the substance is liable to explode under conditions of intense heat and defined confinement.

The apparatus consists of a non-reusable steel tube with its re-usable closing device, installed in a heating and protective device.

Each tube is deep-drawn from sheet steel (see Appendix) and has an internal diameter of 24 mm, a length of 75 mm and wall thickness of 0.5 mm. The tubes are flanged at the open end to enable them to be closed by the orifice plate assembly. This consists of a pressure-resistant orifice plate, with a central hole, secured firmly to a tube using a two-part screw joint (nut and threaded collar). The nut and threaded collar are made from chromium-manganese steel which is spark-free up to 800 °C. The orifice plates are 6 mm thick, made from heat-resistant steel, and are available with holes in a range of diameters.

The test result is considered positive if an explosion occurs at least once in any of the tests with the specified shock apparatus (3 parts).

Apparatus for testing thermal sensitivity from Regulation Figure 1a Steel tube and screw connection
Figure 1a: Steel tube and screw connection

(1)    Tube

(1a)  Outer flange

(2)    Threaded collar

(3)    Orifice plate = 2.0 or 6.0 diameter

(4)    Nut b = 10.0 or 20.0 mm diameter

(5)    Beveled surface

(6)    2 flats for size 41 spanner

Apparatus for testing thermal sensitivity from Regulation Figure 1b Heating and protective device
Figure 1b: Heating and protective device

(7)    2 flats for size 36 spanner

(8)    Fragment-proof box

(9)    2 holding rods for tubes

(10)  Tubes, mounted

(11)   Position of rear burner; other burner visible

(12)   Lure flame

Apparatus for testing thermal sensitivity from Regulation Figure 1a Steel tube and screw connection
Figure 1a: Steel tube and screw connection
Apparatus for testing thermal sensitivity from Regulation Figure 1b Heating and protective device
Figure 1b: Heating and protective device

(1)    Tube

(1a)  Outer flange

(2)    Threaded collar

(3)    Orifice plate = 2.0 or 6.0 diameter

(4)    Nut b = 10.0 or 20.0 mm diameter

(5)    Beveled surface

(6)    2 flats for size 41 spanner

(7)    2 flats for size 36 spanner

(8)    Fragment-proof box

(9)    2 holding rods for tubes

(10)  Tubes, mounted

(11)   Position of rear burner; other burner visible

(12)   Lure flame

Apparatus for testing thermal sensitivity from Regulation Fragment images
Figure: Fragment images according to “UN Tests and criteria, United Nations, New York” Fragment images D and E: “no explosion” Fragment Image F: “explosion”

Mechanical sensitivity (impact) EC A.14.; UN Series 3, Test 3 (a) (ii): BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)

The test consists of subjecting the test substance to the impact of a specified drop-weight from a specified height.

The essential parts of the fallhammer are the cast steel block with base, the anvil, the column, the guides, the drop weights with release device and the impact device. The steel anvil (100 mm diameter × 70 mm height) is screwed onto the top of a steel block (230 mm length × 250 mm width × 200 mm height) with a base (450 mm length × 450 mm width × 60 mm height). A column of seamless drawn steel tubing is fixed in a bracket that is bolted to the back of the steel block. The fallhammer is fixed with 4 anchoring screws on a solid concrete block (60 cm × 60 cm) in such a way that the guides are exactly vertical and the drop weight is easily guided. Drop weights are made of solid steel and are available, for example, in 5 kg and 10 kg weights. The striking head of each weight is made of hardened steel, HRC 60 to 63, and has a minimum diameter of 25 mm.

The test result is assessed as positive if an explosion (a bang and/or ignition is equivalent to an explosion) occurs with the apparatus described in at least one test.

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4a Fallhammer, front and side view Drop hammer
Figure 4a: Fallhammer, front and side view

(1)    Base, 450 x 450 x 60

(2)    Steel block, 230 x 250 x 200

(3)    Anvil, 100 diameter x 70 height

(4)    Columns

(5)    Middle cross-piece

(6)    Two guides

(7)    Toothed rack

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4b Fallhammer, lower part BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4b: Fallhammer, lower part

(8)    Measurement scale

(9)    Fallhammer (drop weight)

(10)  Holding and release mechanism

(11)  Locating plate

(12)  Intermediate anvil

(13)  Locating ring with opening

(14)  Impact device

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4c Impact device for substances in powdered, paste-like or gel-type form, and locating ring BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4c: Impact device for substances in powdered, paste-like or gel-type form, and locating ring

(1)    Steel collar

(2)    Guide collar

(3)    Locating ring

(4)   Centering ring with opening

(5)   Liquid (40 mm3)

(6)   Liquid-free space

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4d Impact devices for liquids BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4d: Impact devices for liquids
Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4e Drop Weight BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4e: Drop Weight (5kg)

(1)    Suspension spigot

(2)    Height marker

(3)    Positioning groove

(4)    Cylindrical striking head

(5)    Rebound catch

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4a Fallhammer, front and side view Drop hammer
Figure 4a: Fallhammer, front and side view

(1)    Base, 450 x 450 x 60

(2)    Steel block, 230 x 250 x 200

(3)    Anvil, 100 diameter x 70 height

(4)    Columns

(5)    Middle cross-piece

(6)    Two guides

(7)    Toothed rack

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4b Fallhammer, lower part BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4b: Fallhammer, lower part

(8)    Measurement scale

(9)    Fallhammer (drop weight)

(10)  Holding and release mechanism

(11)  Locating plate

(12)  Intermediate anvil

(13)  Locating ring with opening

(14)  Impact device

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4c Impact device for substances in powdered, paste-like or gel-type form, and locating ring BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4c: Impact device for substances in powdered, paste-like or gel-type form, and locating ring

(1)    Steel collar

(2)    Guide collar

(3)    Locating ring

(4)   Centering ring with opening

(5)   Liquid (40 mm3)

(6)   Liquid-free space

Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4d Impact devices for liquids BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4d: Impact devices for liquids
Apparatus for testing impact sensitivity from Regulation 4e Drop Weight BAM Fallhammer (drop hammer)
Figure 4e: Drop Weight (5kg)

(1)    Suspension spigot

(2)    Height marker

(3)    Positioning groove

(4)    Cylindrical striking head

(5)    Rebound catch

Mechanical sensitivity (friction) EC A.14.; UN Series 3, Test 3 (b) (i): BAM friction apparatus

In this test, solid or paste-like substances are subjected to friction between standardized surfaces under specified conditions of load and relative movement.

The friction apparatus consists of a base plate (cast steel) on which the roller assembly, consisting of a fixed porcelain peg and a moving porcelain plate, is mounted. The porcelain plate is fixed in a carriage which runs in two guides. The carriage is connected to an electric motor via a connecting rod, an eccentric cam and suitable gearing such that the porcelain plate is moved, once only, backwards and forwards beneath the porcelain peg a distance of 10 mm. The porcelain peg can be loaded with 120 or 360 N, for example.

The flat porcelain plates are made of pure technical white porcelain (roughness 9 μm to 32 μm) and have the dimensions 25 mm (length) × 25 mm (width) × 5 mm (height). The cylindrical porcelain peg is also made of pure technical white porcelain. It is 15 mm long, has a diameter of 10 mm and a rough spherical end face with a radius of curvature of 10 mm.

The test result is considered positive if an explosion occurs at least once in any of the tests with the specified friction apparatus. Crackling and/or a bang, sparking or flame is equivalent to an explosion. Decomposition (change of color or odor) is not considered an explosion.

Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5a Friction device
Figure 5a: Friction device
Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5a Friction device Ground view
Figure 5a: Friction device, ground view

(1)    Steel base

(2)    Carriage

(3)    Porcelain plate held on carriage, 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm

(4)   Fixed porcelain peg, 10 diameter x 15 mm

(5)   Test substance, approx. 10 mm3

Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5b Starting position of the peg on the sample BAM friction apparatus
Figure 5b: Starting position of the peg on the sample

(6)   Peg holder

(7)   Load arm

(8)   Counterweight

(9)   Switch

(10)  Wheel to move the carriage into starting position

(11)  Electric motor

Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5a Friction device
Figure 5a: Friction device
Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5a Friction device Ground view
Figure 5a: Friction device, ground view

(1)    Steel base

(2)    Carriage

(3)    Porcelain plate held on carriage, 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm

(4)   Fixed porcelain peg, 10 diameter x 15 mm

(5)   Test substance, approx. 10 mm3

Apparatus for testing sensitivity to friction taken from Regulation Figure 5b Starting position of the peg on the sample BAM friction apparatus
Figure 5b: Starting position of the peg on the sample

(6)   Peg holder

(7)   Load arm

(8)   Counterweight

(9)   Switch

(10)  Wheel to move the carriage into starting position

(11)  Electric motor