Safety for your plants

Safety for your plants

Chemical processing systems need to be built and operated in such a way that they do not pose a threat to the people who work with them, to the people who live in the locality and to the environment.

How safe a system is classified depends not just on the system itself but also on numerous other factors – such as input materials, chemical reactions, the actual processes, the technical equipment used and not least the operators.

At consilab, we therefore take a holistic approach. We illuminate the topic of safety from every particular angle and cover all the possible variables in our thinking.

In so doing, we ensure that, at the customer’s, there is higher safety, lower risk of downtime, optimised process flows and the confidence of the public at large.

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  1. Substances

    The materials used in the process are also part of any danger that may lead on from industrial plant.

    Substances can be combustible, poisonous or an environmental hazard. One major aspect of plant safety is therefore the avoidance of accidents such as fires, explosions, decomposition reactions and the discharge of poisonous substances.

    That’s why one of our main tasks is to examine the physical-chemical properties of substances and their mixtures, safety-related parameters and the chemical reactions.

    The properties of the substances also determine the way the technical equipment is deployed and the actual operation of the systems.

    We draw up safety concepts that take these aspects into account.

  2. Processes

    Chemical processing systems help to manufacture marketable products in that substances are mechanically, terminally and chemically treated – or indeed transformed.

    To what extent the dangerous properties of the input materials adversely affect the safety of the systems can depend on the processes in place.

    For this reason, all the possible substances and all the disruption scenarios applicable to a given plant must be carefully assessed. Feasible optimisation measures include the reduction or substitution of the hazardous substances used, the simplification of technology and the avoidance of specific chemical or physical processes – by applying limits to certain operating conditions such as pressure and temperature..

    Although we say it ourselves, we possess in-depth knowledge about the various physical, chemical and technical conditions as they interact with product processing systems and, as a result, are in a position to provide our customers with the best-possible advice.

  3. Systems engineering

    Also of great significance in terms of plant safety is the technical configuration with all its appliances, machines, pipes and process controls.

    Technical performance is directly influenced by the design of the plant and the quality of the components selected.

    Meaning that, when the plant and production systems are being built, all the individual components must be correctly put together. Moreover, a plant will gain considerably in safety if the exchange processes can be accelerated and carried out in the smallest space possible. Similarly, the installation of closed systems with the hazardous substances tightly contained also contributes to overall safety.

    Nowadays, process control plays a large role in ensuring plant safety as it takes on sophisticated safety tasks related to the chemical processing systems.

    We know what significance the technological configuration of the systems has for safety at the company and are pleased to pass on this knowledge to our customers.

  4. People

    Yet for all endeavours made with the aim of optimising processes and equipment, it is the people operating the systems who are the main factor in influencing safety.

    The employees must have top-class qualifications in the first place; their work must be subject to continuous professional development; and both workplace and job instructions must be clearly structured. It is employees’ task to operate, maintain and monitor the systems – and to react in the event of an emergency.

    If they are to carry out their job as efficiently as possible, then they need to be guided in their work by specialists. And we are happy to be at their side.