Substance classification


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Substance classification

According to current regulations – e.g. hazardous substances and hazard goods transport legislation, REACH and GHS – dangerous substances must be classified, labelled and registered. We can determine the physical-chemical parameters needed for those classification purposes in our own laboratory, thus supporting our customers in the event of registering and classifying new substances as well as in the event of reclassifications.

To ensure the safety of substances during their handling, use, storage, and transport, specific procedures for determining characteristic data are required according to the type of hazard and hazard potential, and are prescribed by the relevant regulations. We have tests from the following regulations ready for use at all times for this purpose:

| UN Transport Law (UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods)
| GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals),
| CLP (Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures)

UN Class 1ExplosivityTransport classification of hazardous substances → more
UN Test 1(b), 2(b)Thermal sensitivity (Koenen test) → more
UN Test 1(c), 2(c)Time-pressure test → more
UN Test 3(a)Impact sensitivity (BAM drop hammer)
→ more
UN Test 3(b)Friction sensitivity (BAM friction apparatus) → more
UN Test F.3BAM Trauzl Test → more
UN Class 2Flammable aerosols
UN TestFoam aerosol: Flammability test
UN TestSpray aerosol: Flame jet and barrel testing
UN Class 3Flammable liquids
UN TestFlash point → more
UN Test L.2Sustained combustibility → more
ISO 2137Penetrometer test → more
UN Class 4.1Flammable solids
UN Test N.1Burn rate
UN Class 4.1Self-reactive substances
UN Test C.1Pressure-time test → more
UN Test C.2Deflagration ability in the open system → more
UN Test E.1Thermal sensitivity (Koenen test) → more
UN Test E.2Dutch pressure vessel test → more
UN Test F.3BAM Trauzl Test → more
UN Test H.2Determination of SADT from the adiabatic heat-pressure accumulation → more
UN TestScreening in the DSC → more
UN Class 4.2Spontaneously combustible substances
UN Test N.2Pyrophoric properties of solids
UN Test N.3Pyrophoric properties of liquids
UN Test N.4Isoperibolic measurement in 1 L or 15.625 mL wire basket (Bowes-Cameron-Cage test)
UN TestScreening in the Grewer furnace
UN TestAdiabatic measurements in the wire basket
UN Test N.5Formation of flammable gases in contact with water
UN Class 5.1Flammable (oxidizing) substances
UN Test O.1Oxidizing solids → more
UN Test O.2Oxidizing liquids → more
UN Test O.3Oxidizing solids → more
UN Class 8Corrosiveness to metals
UN Test C.1Corrosive properties → more