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GLP test facility

Before chemical products such as pesticides, cosmetics, biocides, and industrial chemicals can marketed, they must undergo numerous safety tests to prevent risks to humans, animals, and the environment.

Such tests are to be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations (e.g. Plant Protection Directive) and the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a quality assurance system that deals with the organizational process and framework conditions for tests on chemical products.

After a successful inspection in 2010, our test laboratory successfully underwent additional inspections by the Department of Chemical Safety and GLP for the Darmstadt Regional Council in 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022. Approval as a GLP facility was extended and expanded from category 1 to categories 1 and 5.

As a GLP test facility, we offer the following tests under GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) as well as without GLP. Both our GLP and REACH tests include preparation of a report in compliance with IUCLID. Under GLP, quality assurance and the archiving of retained samples and all documents is also included.

We test in accordance with various recognized regulations, including EC Regulation 440/2008, the OECD and OCSPP guidelines, UN transport law and thus also CLP Regulation 1272/2008 (GHS), CIPAC regulations, etc.

With the exception of a few tests, our range of services covers all the physical and chemical tests required for the registration of chemicals.

We also offer a variety of CIPAC test methods as well as other methods such as the acid or alkaline reserve.

Tests according to EC Regulations 440/2008

A.1.    | Melting-/Freezing Temperature (-75 °C to 700 °C) (DSC, Capillary Method)
A.2.    | Boiling Temperature (Ambient Temperature to 700 °C) (DSC, Capillary Method)
A.3.    | Relative Density of Solids and Liquids
A.4.    | Vapour Pressure of Solids (Vapour Pressure Balance) → more
A.4.    | Liquids (Dynamic Method)
A.4.    | Determination of the vapor pressure of liquid and solid test substances (static method) → more
A.5.    | Surface Tension
A.6.    | Water Solubility (Flask- und Column Elution Method)
A.8.    | Partition Coefficient (HPLC-, Shake-Flask- und »Slow-Stirring«-Method)
A.9.    | Flash Point → more
A.10.  | Readily Combustible Solids
A.12.  | Flammability (Formation of Flammable Gases on Contact with Water)
A.13.  | Pyrophoric Properties of Solid and Liquid Compounds
A.14.  | Explosive Properties of Solids and Lquids → more
A.15.  | Ignition temperature (Liquids and Gases) → more
A.16.  | Relative Auto Ignition Temperature
A.17.  | Oxidising Properties of Solids → more
A.21.  | Oxidising Properties of Liquids → more
C.7.    | Hydrolysis – Abiotic Degradability Depending on pH
C.19.  | Adsorption Coefficient

Tests according to OECD-Guidelines

OECD 101   | Recording of UV/VIS-Absorption Spectra
OECD 102   | Melting Temperature (-75 °C to 700 °C) (DSC, Capillary Method)
OECD 103   | Boiling Temperature (Ambient Temperature to 700 °C) (DSC, Capillary Method)
OECD 104   | Vapour Pressure of Solids (Vapour Pressure Balance) → more and Liquids (Dynamic Method)
OECD 104   | Determination of the vapor pressure of liquid and solid test substances (static method) → more
OECD 105   | Water Solubility (Flask- und Column Elution Method)
OECD 107   | Partition Coefficient (HPLC-, Shake-Flask- und »Slow-Stirring«-Method)
OECD 109   | Density of Solids and Liquids
OECD 110   | Particle Size Distribution
OECD 111    | Hydrolysis – Abiotic Degradability Depending on pH
OECD 112   | Dissociation Constant of aqueous Solutions
OECD 113   | Thermal Stability
OECD 114   | Viscosity of Liquids
OECD 115   | Surface Tension
OECD 117   | Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water (HPLC Method)
OECD 121   | Adsorption Coefficient
OECD 123   | Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water (Slow-Stirring Method)

Tests According to US EPA OCSPP-Test Guidelines

OPPTS 830.6315    | Flammability
OPPTS 830.6316   | Explosivity → more
OPPTS 830.7000   | pH-Value
OPPTS 830.7050   | UV/Vis-Spectra
OPPTS 830.7100   | Viscosity
OPPTS 830.7200   | Melting Point
OPPTS 830.7220   | Boiling Point
OPPTS 830.7550   | Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water (shake/flask method)
OPPTS 830.7570   | Partition Coefficient n-Octanol/Water (HPLC method)
OPPTS 830.7950   | Vapour Pressure → more
OPPTS 830.7300   | Relative Density
OPPTS 830.7370   | Dissociation Constant in Aqueous Solution
OPPTS 830.7520   | Particle Size Distribution
OPPTS 830.7840   | Water Solubility

CIPAC-Tests Methods

In addition we offer a multitude of CIPAC- and other test methods, e.g. acidic and alkaline reserve. → CIPAC-methods

Statement of GLP Compliance

