Another GLP inspection successfully passed
Our laboratories were inspected again as scheduled in October 2019 by the Department of Chemical Safety and the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) of the Darmstadt Regional Council. We have now received official certification that consilab continues to be a GLP test facility for categories 1 and 5 from the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
The consilab team once again impressed the inspectors with its well-equipped laboratories and experienced staff – and successfully passed the GLP inspection. We were again supported by our external partner for quality assurance, isomehr GmbH, Saarbrücken.
Since the last regularly scheduled inspection, we have of course further expanded our GLP portfolio to meet the needs of our customers. We are grateful for the suggestions and requests from our customers and are especially pleased about their willingness to discuss possible solutions with us. This is the best basis for intelligently expanding our offerings. We are eager to discover the future challenges our customers will present to us and the new methods we will be able to use to meet them. We are pleased to demonstrate that we remain as flexible, reliable and customer-focused as always.
You can see the GLP methods we currently offer here on our homepage in the “Services” section.